“One year after the coming into force, the Gdpr, General Data Protection Regulation, is without a shadow of a doubt a revolutionary regulation, which demands a change of perspective compared to the past and which, precisely for this reason, complicates things considerably”. This is what avv. Federica De Stefani, an expert in new technology law, civil law and national contract law, said in an interview with Fortune Italia on the occasion of the publication of her book “Il GDPR per il marketing e il business online”, by Hoepli editore.

“All this while the early data on the sanctions that have been applied to those failing to comply with the Community Regulation are coming in.  To date, fines of over €56 million have been imposed across Europe. The list of countries reporting the most infringements is led by France, followed by Portugal and Poland. In this particular ranking, Italy has placed fifth. Total fines in Italy came to 8.1 million euros (figure for 2018), split into 707 administrative violations.  “Despite the data, what is missing is the perception of the importance that this new legislation has”, said De Stefani, “because even today, unfortunately, apart from some situations, neither the meaning nor the importance of this epoch-making revolution for the protection of personal data has been fully understood”.

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